Kids and education

Dubai Education: Find out all the information on education in Dubai from nurseries, secondary schools and higher education.

How birth order affects siblings

How birth order affects siblings

01 January 2015

What kind of age gap are you thinking of leaving between your children? While two under twos can be challenging for most mums

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So, where's home?

So, where's home?

01 November 2014

The term third-culture kid (TCK) refers to children who grow up in a different culture to that of their parents. The mixing of cultures they experience creates a new, third - and often unique - culture

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Tips to help you raise an unspoiled child

Tips to help you raise an unspoiled child

01 November 2014

So how do you avoid raising spoiled children? In a nutshell, you need to start early in the toddler years by setting age-appropriate boundaries knowing that they will

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Kindness in your home

Kindness in your home

01 November 2014

We would all love to live in homes that are havens of peace and well-being - places where family members are kind to one another and notice what goes well and right more

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How to teach your child additional skills

How to teach your child additional skills

01 November 2014

My 9 year old still cannot tell the time, I have tried various methods but nothing seems to work-Alysia

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Get closer to your kids

Get closer to your kids

01 August 2014

Eight ways to help your family find a refuge from the storms of life's events.

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