Ramadan is expected to begin on the 13 or 14 April and the National Emergency Crisis and Disaster Management Authority has announced new COVID-19 precautionary measures to be followed during Ramadan.
Tarawih prayers will be held at mosques with all precautionary measures in place for individuals praying.
Isha and Tarawih prayers have been limited to 30 minutes, with Iftar meals not allowed inside the mosque.
Evening gatherings to be limited, with only family members sharing meals with one another.
Iftar tents have been cancelled and distribution of Iftar meals in front of houses and mosques are prohibited.
Zakat and donations must be made electronically.
Mosques will remain closed after prayers and women prayer rooms, as well as external road areas, are closed along with other facilities.
For Qiyam-ul-layl, the last ten days of Ramadan will be assessed and precautionary measures will be updated based on the COVID-19 at the time.