Isolation Period For COVID-19 Cases Reduced


Dubai Health Authority (DHA) has announced that the isolation period for certain COVID-19 patients and close contact cases has been reduced from a period of 14 days to 10 days.

In cases where people have tested positive for COVID-19 however have not shown any symptoms, the isolation period is 10 days.

In cases where there has been a recovery from mild cases of COVID-19, without taking any fever medication, the isolation period is 10 days.

Also, where individuals have come into close contact with a COVID-19 positive patient but has not developed any symptoms, the isolation period is 10 days from when the last contact with the positive case was made.

Patients who are hospitalised due to moderate, severe or critical COVID-19 symptoms, can only be discharged when they have tested negative in a PCR test for two consecutive times, which are taken more than 24 hours apart. In these cases, patients should not have a fever for more than three days, without the use of fever medications. Additionally, patients should also have improved minimal respiratory symptoms and their pulmonary imaging must show significant improvements. These patients should self-isolate for seven days after discharge, and if symptoms appear again during the two weeks period after being discharged, they should revisit for a follow-up.

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