Instagram Fight Against Bullying!

Instagram, a popular social media platform has introduced new features to take a stand against a major social issue – bullying. With the advent of social media, online bullying has become a social evil which seems to have been affecting many individuals. Hateful comments on social media platforms do take a toll on one’s mental heath and we are glad that the tech giants are now taking steps to fight against this social evil.

New features introduced include a new technology to detect bullying in images and their captions, a bullying comment filter for "Live", and a new camera effect to help spread kindness in Instagram Stories.

The new technology to detect bullying in images and captions will proactively spot intolerable comments and send them over to the Community Operations team to review. The team will remove the negative comments after review.

A bullying comment filter on "Live" videos will ensure that "Live" remains a fun place to authentically connect with your friends and interests and last but not least the Kindness Camera Effect aims to spread love and positivity in the community.

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