This Dubai offence could mean a Dhs 100,000 fine

Dubai Municipality’s round-the-clock service keeps our great city clean, but it’s our home too and we should do our bit to help keep it that way.

With that in mind here is a list of offences and fines you should always keep in mind:

1. Throwing wastes on the general roads. Fine: Dhs 500

2. Dropping any solid or liquid materials from vehicles on the general roads, besides carrying or transporting scattered materials from the open vehicles without covering the them. Fine: Dhs 500

3. Urinating or excreting in facilities not designated for such purposes. Fine: Dhs 500

4. Spitting and sputtering in public places. Fine: Dh500

5. Spitting the gum remaining or its wastes in the public places. Fine: Dhs 1,000

6. Disposing of the debris and wastes of building, demolition wastes of technical and production processes of the companies, factories and establishments in places other than designated. Fine: Dhs 5,000

7. Not taking the required steps and procedures for preventing the leakage or flow of wastewater from the building or the falling of the same from tankers on the general roads. Fine: Dhs 10,000

8. Disposing of the used oils in drainage or septic tanks or flushing the same on the pavements or roads. Fine: Dhs 3,000

9. Throwing oils or maritime wastes in seawater or seashores or creek water or ports. Fine: Dhs 500

10. Throwing wastes of trees and gardens in places not specified for the same purpose by the competent and concerned authorities. Fine: Dhs 500

11. Flushing vehicle washing water in places not specified by the competent and concerned authorities. Fine: Dhs 100

12. Leakage of air conditioner water or any kind of water on the pavements and roads. Fine: Dhs 100

13. Disposing of wastes by the way of open burning. Dhs 1,000

14. Leaving, storing, putting or hanging any goods, materials or any other things in public places or roofs of houses or balconies in a way deforming the general appearance in the emirate and its brilliant features, buildings facades and balconies. Fine: Dhs 200

15. Leaving vehicles or equipment in public places carelessly in a way which may hinder the movement of traffic or pedestrians or may deform the general appearance or damage the requirements of general health, safety or environment. Fine: Dhs 200

16. Not providing room or space inside the building provided with containers for putting wastes as per the terms, conditions and specifications set out by the competent and concerned authorities. Fine: Dhs 1,000

17. Not providing containers for storing the wastes inside the building or taking out the storing containers and returning the same to their place directly or as per the directions given, or non-carrying out maintenance works needed for the storing means. Fine: Dhs 500

18. Not carrying out internal cleaning works in the building and not supervising the same in line with the hygiene and environment rules. Fine: Dhs 500

19. Not providing containers for storing the wastes by the private companies and establishments, trading centers, residential communities and hotels which are resulted from their activities in conformity with the stipulations and standards approved in this respect and as determined by the competent and concerned authorities. Fine: Dhs 1,000

20. Not committing to the directions and instructions stipulated by the competent and concerned authorities which require changing the wastes containers if the quantity of the wastes resulted from practicing the activities is over the capacity of the provided containers and that the wastes constitute risk and danger to the public health. Fine: Dhs 1,000

21. Not applying hygiene programme to the external yards in the public and private parking servicing the same and not providing dustbins required and not supervising the act of discharging and cleanness of the same on a daily basis. Fine: Dhs 500

22. Practicing an activity related to gathering, storing, transporting or reusing, recycling or processing any wastes made by third parties or providing cleaning services in public services without obtaining a prior permit from the competent and concerned authorities or non-complying with the standards and conditions stipulated for such purpose. Fine: Dhs 5,000

23. Putting any materials may cause damages to wastes containers or the waste transport vehicles or may constitute risk to the health and safety of the labourers who gather the wastes, transport and dispose of the same. Fine: Dhs 1,000

24. Transporting or changing the place of the municipality waste containers without obtaining the approval from the competent and concerned authorities. Fine: Dhs 200

25. Digging up the contents of the municipality waste containers for getting recyclable materials or any further wastes. Fine: Dhs 500

26. Damaging waste containers and the fences surrounding the same or the solid floorings upon which they lean. Fine: Dhs 1,000

27. Parking the vehicles or leaving equipment or tools before the containers hindering putting the wastes by individuals or discharging their contents by municipality vehicles. Fine: Dhs 1,000

28. Putting wastes carried by the vehicles of private companies in municipality containers. Fine: Dhs 1,000

29. Not placing out a plan for reducing the wastes or recycling the same if it becomes evident to the competent and concerned authorities that the activity practiced by an establishment produces a large quantity of wastes. Fine: Dhs 1,000

30. Importing, dealing with, holding, keeping or taking the gum remaining whether for personal use or for the use of third parties with or without consideration and this includes betel leaves which are used for making the gums. Fine: Dhs 50,000

31. Digging up the municipality waste containers or their contents. Fine: Dhs 500

32. Dropping any solid or liquid materials from the readymade concrete transport vehicles during driving along the general road or disposing of the same in places other that designated. Fine: Dhs 50,000

33. Disposing of wastewater in any manner in the open places or in places other than designated by the competent and concerned authorities. Fine: Dhs 100,000

Check Dubai Municipality's complete list, click here.

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