Prevalence Of Vitamin D In The UAE

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that is mainly received from the sun, however can also be sourced through certain food items like egg yolks, salmon and red meat. When exposed to the sun, the skin cells in the body use the sun's ultraviolet (UV) rays to convert cholesterol into vitamin D.  

The vitamin is important for the body as it improves strength in muscles and joints, prevents health ailments like heart diseases and high blood pressure, as well as boosts moods and the immune system.

Additionally, vitamin D also contributes to eye health and prevents dry eyes, glaucoma and cataract.

When the body does not receive the adequate amount of vitamin D needed, the issue can lead to muscle pain, weakness in the bones, fractures and weakened muscles, which can take a toll on a person's day-to-day activities and life. 

Even though the UAE experiences sun throughout the year, vitamin D deficiency is a common issue faced by many individuals, and around 90% of people in the region are deficient in vitamin D. To maintain vitamin D levels, exposure to the sun is essential for at least 20 minutes a day during peak hours, and without preventive measures like sunscreen.

To get a better understanding of the issues caused by vitamin D deficiency, Connector spoke to specialists in the UAE as well as to get insight into how to better remedy it.

Vitamin D is a critical vitamin that is required for the body and is linked to maintaining the health of the bones. When the body does not receive the required vitamin D, it takes its toll on a person's bones and joints, leading to weakness.

However, when the body does receive the right amount of vitamin D, it is able to better absorb calcium and phosphorus, which are critical in strengthening bones. Vitamin D has also been linked to reducing cancer cells and preventing infections in the body.

Dr Mohamed Ahmed Raslan Omar, Specialist Internal Medicine at Burjeel Hospital in Abu Dhabi said, "Vitamin D is a vitamin in our bodies that aids in the formation and maintenance of healthy bones. Vitamin D also regulates a variety of other bodily activities. Its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and neuroprotective characteristics help to maintain immunological function, muscular function, and brain cell functioning."

The UAE is known for its hot and sunny climate, however, as most people spend time indoors, it contributes to the body not getting the right amount of vitamin D needed. 

According to Dr Juliana Korth, Internal Medicine Specialist at Allied Medical Center in Dubai, "In Arab countries, there are studies that show the prevalence of vitamin D deficiency to be around 90% of the population."

Some of the symptoms of vitamin D, as mentioned by Dr Mohamed Ahmed Raslan Omar of Burjeel Hospital are,

  • Fatigue
  • Bone deformity
  • Pain in the back
  • Myalgia, which is pain developed in the muscles
  • Cramps
  • Weakness
  • Skeletal deformities in children

Dr Juliana Korth of Allied Medical Center further added, "The symptoms of vitamin D deficiency are vague and can range also from osteoporosis in later life and rickets in children. Many studies are showing an association between vitamin D deficiency and cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, autoimmune diseases, and depression."

Osteoporosis occurs when the bones are weakened and slowly happens over the course of several years, making the body prone to breaks and falls. Additionally, rickets is commonly found in children, where the bones do not receive the right amount of calcium and phosphorus, making them weak and brittle, leading to bone deformities as a child grows.

Vitamin D deficiency can also manifest in various ways and individuals that experience these symptoms need to visit a doctor to get a consultation.

To measure vitamin D levels in the body, a blood test is taken where a blood sample will be collected after a needle is inserted into a vein in the arm.

With this prevalent issue and most people in the UAE not getting sufficient vitamin D to prevent long-lasting issues in the body, there are some preventive measures that can be taken to maintain the vitamin D count in the body. 

Exposure to sunlight: During the summer months when the temperatures rise in the UAE, most people avoid the outdoors at all costs as they are not wanting to experience the humidity. However, doing so can lead to the body not receiving the required amount of vitamin D.

Additionally, as sunscreen creates a barrier to protect from the harmful UV rays of the sun, it leads to the time spent outside not being enough to get the needed vitamin D. To get the vitamin D required into the body, individuals need to stand in the sun without sunscreen for around 20 minutes every day.

Dr Mohamed Ahmed Raslan Omar of Burjeel Hospital said, "Exposure to sunlight is important. The best time to absorb sunlight is between 10am and 3pm. During this time, 40% of the skin surface needs to be exposed to the sun."

Taking vitamin D supplements: To improve vitamin D levels, people need to be exposed to the sun during peak hours. Though there is all year round sunshine in the UAE, many people do not get a sufficient dose of vitamin D, as their exposure to the sun is limited due to spending so much time indoors while working. Also, a high number of people choose not to go out in the sun, to protect their skin from the harmful UV rays which can lead to health issues including skin cancer, as well as wrinkles and skin ageing. A great alternative to maintaining the count in the body are vitamin D supplements. The amount of vitamins needed for the body is measured in International Units (IU) and is not the same as milligrams. Before taking supplements, consult a doctor to ensure that too much vitamin D is not being consumed, as it can be harmful to the body.

Dr Juliana Korth of Allied Medical Center added, "It is difficult nowadays for people to produce enough vitamin D. In my daily practice, I screen all my patients and I recommend supplementation to virtually everyone that is not already taking vitamin D supplements. The minimum daily need is 400 IU for adults and 800 IU for postmenopausal women, and for all men after 65."

Eating nutrient-rich meals: Food plays a vital role in the overall well-being of an individual. Consuming unhealthy and junk food leads to an increase in health issues. Not a lot of food items help in increasing the count of vitamin D levels naturally, however, there are a few that do contribute to maintaining vitamin D levels. Dr Mohamed Ahmed Raslan Omar of Burjeel Hospital said, "Vitamin D is not naturally found in many foods, but you can get it from plant and animal-based foods including oily fish such as salmon, sardines, herring and mackerel, red meat, egg yolks, cod liver, fortified milk and cereals."

Vitamin D deficiency affects around 90% of the people in the region and 60% to 70% of individuals worldwide, making it a common issue faced by many. Taking regular tests will give information of vitamin D levels in an individual, and taking supplements, eating healthy and getting enough sun exposure, can help ensure the right levels are maintained, and avoid long-term ailments in bones and joints.

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