DHA Shares Key Health And Safety Tips For Adverse Weather Conditions


With rainy conditions and fluctuating temperatures across the UAE, the Dubai Health Authority (DHA) has issued essential guidelines to help residents stay safe and healthy. Adverse weather can pose health risks, increase the likelihood of accidents and contribute to seasonal illnesses.

Following these practical tips can ensure your well-being during such conditions:

  1. Stay informed – Keep track of weather forecasts through reliable sources to plan your day safely.
  2. Dress appropriately – Wear warm clothing and, if possible, remain indoors to avoid exposure to cold winds and rain.
  3. Drive with cautionAvoid driving in heavy rain, but if necessary, proceed with caution, keeping a safe distance from other vehicles.
  4. Avoid flooded roads – Driving through flooded areas can be hazardous and may cause vehicle damage or accidents.
  5. Maintain good hygiene – Prevent illnesses by practising proper hygiene, such as washing hands frequently and avoiding touching your face and eyes.
  6. Wear protective clothing – Prevent injuries by using appropriate gear, including water-resistant footwear and outerwear.
  7. Be cautious of slippery surfaces – Carry an umbrella and watch out for slippery pavements and roads to prevent falls.
  8. Avoid stagnant water – Stagnant water can become a breeding ground for bacteria and pests; ensure your surroundings remain clean and dry.

For more updates, follow official DHA channels and stay tuned for weather alerts. Check Connector's coverage of weather updates this week HERE

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