UAE’s Ministry of Health And Prevention Announces Guidelines For Heat Waves

Amidst the peak of summer, the Ministry of Health and Prevention (MoHAP) in the UAE has shared heat wave guidelines across its social media to help residents during the summer heat waves. Through video presentations, MoHAP emphasises the importance of staying updated on weather forecasts to anticipate high temperatures. 

Additionally, residents are advised to prepare by stocking up on essential items for their first aid kits, including electrolyte water, a thermometer, water bottles, cooling cloths, and a battery-operated water sprayer.

MoHAP also advises residents to keep a guidebook handy that helps in understanding and recognising symptoms of heat stress. Additionally, MoHAP emphasises the importance of knowing the nearest healthcare facilities and ambulance services available.

Ministry of Health and Prevention Shares Guidelines On Maintaining Indoor Temperatures 

To keep indoor temperatures cool and comfortable, MoHAP recommends using shades or curtains to block sunlight during the peak hours of the day. Opening windows at night for ventilation is also advised. MoHAP suggests using fans and air conditioners to maintain a pleasant indoor temperature.

It's important to avoid going outdoors during the hottest times of the day unless necessary. MoHAP recommends you plan outdoor activities for cooler times like early morning or late evening. While venturing outdoors, ensure you apply sunscreen and wear hats for sun protection.

Lastly, emphasising the importance of staying hydrated during the summer, MoHAP recommends drinking water regularly and eating hydrating foods such as cucumbers, watermelon, oranges, strawberries, and tomatoes.

It also suggests wearing light-coloured, lightweight, loose-fitting clothes and carrying a water bottle and small clothes when outdoors. This cloth can be dampened with water and used on the neck to help cool down.

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