Sharjah Implements Flexible Education System For Schools Until 25 April


In response to recent unusual weather conditions, the Sharjah Private Education Authority (SPEA) has declared a flexible education system to be enforced from 23 to 25 April. This allows schools in Sharjah the flexibility to provide hybrid, in-person, or distance learning options for students during this period.

The authority has granted individual educational institutions the autonomy to decide on the education system for these three days. Schools can opt for in-person, distance learning, or a hybrid approach without needing approval from the authority, based on their specific requirements and circumstances. However, educational institutions have been instructed to notify the authorities about their decision by emailing

Considering the country's post-weather conditions and prioritising the safety and well-being of parents, students, and faculty, the authority has opted to grant individual institutions the freedom to select their preferred option.

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