Private schools in Dubai can now increase fees by up to 5.2%, depending on their latest inspection results. However, schools with lower ratings won't be eligible for any fee hike. This decision follows the announcement of an Education Cost Index (ECI) of 2.6% by Dubai's Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA). This index allows schools to adjust fees for the 2024-25 academic year. The ECI is determined from yearly audited financial reports of private schools, with input from the Digital Dubai Authority.
How Does The Rating Work
According to the KHDA’s school fees framework, fee adjustments for schools are linked to their latest inspection rating, ranging from outstanding to weak.
- Private schools in Dubai can adjust their fees based on their most recent inspection rating, ranging from outstanding to weak.
- Schools maintaining the same inspection rating can increase fees by up to 2.6%.
- Those dropping in ratings won't qualify for fee increases.
- Schools improving from Weak to Acceptable or Acceptable to Good can double the ECI (5.2%).
- Moving from Good to Very Good allows for a 1.75x increase (4.55%), while Very Good to Outstanding permits a 1.5x increase (3.9%).
Parents will receive a notification from the schools.
Dino Varkey, Group Chief Executive Officer, of GEMS Education, stated, "The decision to increase school fees for the academic year 2024-25, depending on KHDA approval for each school, empowers us to invest further in our teachers, curriculum provision, and facilities, the bedrock of a quality education for every student. We will be informing our families in due course about their schools’ fee structure for the coming academic year, and we thank them again for their continuing trust in a GEMS Education school as the best choice for their children."