Requirements And Procedures To Travel Abroad Have Been Announced

Further to the recent announcement that travel to certain destinations from 23 June will be allowed for certain people, the criteria to travel has been laid out.

Destinations will be placed in three categories, low, medium and high risk, where travel to low risk destinations is permitted, however travel to high risk destinations is not permitted. Travel to medium risk destinations will be permitted under certain conditions which include visiting immediate family, medical treatment and for diplomats.

All passengers are required to take a coronavirus COVID-19 test 48 hours before travelling, ensure they have medical insurance for their destination and register on Twajudi through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation website.

If during their travels they test positive for coronavirus COVID-19, they should inform the UAE embassy in the destination country.  

On returning to the UAE all passengers are required to download the AL HOSN application and go into quarantine for 14 days in their own home, as long as their home meets the quarantine requirements. If their home does not meet the quarantine requirements, returning passengers wll need to quarantine in an assigned hotel at their own expense. The period of quarantine may reduce to 7 days for those returning from low risk destinations.

People over the age of 70 are not permitted to travel.

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