Dubai Bling Season 2 Official Trailer Is Out NOW!


Hey Dubai people, get ready for a dazzling treat! Netflix just dropped the official trailer for Season 2 of the super popular reality TV show, Dubai Bling. This time around, expect more drama, more characters, and of course, loads of bling. The upcoming season reunites all your favourite stars from Season 1,  Ebraheem Al Samadi, Loujain Adada, Kris Fade, DJ Bliss, Farhana Bodi, Zeina Khoury, Lojain Omran, and Safa Siddiqui. Plus, there's a fabulous new addition to the Dubai Bling family, Mona Kattan, the co-founder of Huda Beauty. Get ready for more bling, drama, a bit of romance, and a whole lot of sass!

In the trailer, we catch glimpses of fresh friendships, lingering tensions, and tons of glamorous events in stunning locations. This must-watch series is your ticket to an extraordinary realm of luxury and excitement, unfolding against the opulent backdrop of Dubai's lavish lifestyle.

For all you devoted Dubai Bling fans out there, brace yourselves for a dazzling narrative filled with ambition, love, and betrayal. Circle 13 December on your calendars because Dubai Bling Season 2 is hitting the screens, and you absolutely don't want to let it pass you by!

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