Women In Business : Kathryn Jones

Kathryn Jones, originally from Wales, moved to Dubai 7 years ago, with a background working in the UK biopharmaceutical sector, making life saving medicines. With a passion for skin care and anti-ageing, Kathryn saw the opportunity to create natural skincare products for both women and men, using fresh active ingredients at affordable prices. In 2017, Karen launched KJ Serums here in the UAE.

In this series focusing on women in business, Connector asked Kathryn a few questions about her entrepreneurial journey and her experiences of the business world in Dubai. 

Q. When did you get bitten by the business bug?

Having worked in corporate roles in the past, I think it's natural to imagine the freedom and responsibility that running your own business might bring. However, I wasn't necessarily bitten by the business bug. My inspiration instead stemmed from a passion to launch an effective and well-priced skincare range...and then 'being in business' just happened!

Q. Did you have mentors that encouraged you, and who were they?

Well certainly my husband, who has a career in branding and communications, has been my primary mentor and a natural 'business accelerator',  but beyond that there are so many inspirational females in the UAE. Too numerous to mention of course but some of whom have encouraged me to develop my passion into a viable business. 

Q. What challenges did you find in the business world, and how did you overcome them?

Certainly we have found that sourcing reliable suppliers who can consistently deliver a quality service and delivery on their promise is a constant challenge. The only way to overcome this is to be nimble and move on quickly if there's under delivery, and always have a back-up plan. Additionally, recommendations are not always the best recommendation in my experience!

Q. What challenges did you find face when balancing work and home life, and how did you overcome them?

I have a daughter and grand daughter in the UK and so I have to carefully balance my maternal support for them against the constant demands of the business.  Finding the time to recharge can also be difficult but is extremely important in order to go the distance. Plan in some off time!

Q. What encourages and motivates you?

This is really simple. 100% customer satisfaction and knowing we've delivered a quality, effective product at a reasonable and fair price. I get a wonderful boost simply from a customer just saying thank you. It goes a long way.


Q. Does anyone inspire you at the moment?


Yes....First and foremost all the selfless front line workers who have given so much to help us combat this dreadful COVID-19 pandemic while putting themselves at risk every day.  In the business world I'm really inspired by so many of the vibrant entrepreneurs here who have made their own luck. Dubai is a land of opportunity for those who are willing to work hard and show initiative. 


Q. What advice would you want to use for women who are contemplating entering the business world?


Get ready for a roller-coaster ride! There are a lot of ups and downs and you need to be prepared to roll with it. Don't allow the pressure to overcome your passion to succeed. 


If you want find out more about KJ Serums, visit their website here

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