KHDA Announces Schools In Dubai Will Reopen After The Summer

The Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA) has announced that schools and universities in Dubai will be allowed to open and operate from the start of the 2020 - 2021 academic year, as long as they comply with specific health and safety protocols. No confirmation though has been given about the reopening of nurseries and early learning centres, however early learning provision currently operating in schools can open.

Maintaining the health and safety of all students and staff is a priority and certain conditions will be put in place when schools reopen which include, students and staff having their temperature checked as they enter the school premises, following appropriate physical distancing guidelines and reducing the class sizes, managing the school day to limit times when a lot of pupils are in one location, and sterilising the school building and all classrooms and facilities, classrooms, laboratories and other facilities regularly. No maintenance or support staff will be allowed in the schools when students and staff are present, and each school will need to appoint a trained health and safety official to ensure that people and processes in the school comply with health and safety protocol.

In order to comply with health and safety guidelines, schools can choose a reopening format that suits them which could range from being open to all students all the time, continuing with distance learning part of time and staggering lessons throughout the day. Physical education classes will continue, though swimming pools will be closed, and events and activities such as assemblies, sports days, international days or performances will not be allowed to go ahead for now.

KHDA also confirmed that school fees wll remain unchanged for the next academic year. 









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