Graduating School Leavers Are Still Presented With Their Graduation Certificates

School children throughout the UAE have for the past few months continued with their school education without physically going into school. Though e-learning has ensured they do not miss out their studies, being at home has inevitably made them miss some of the other benefits of attending school daily including interaction with school friends and teachers, and as the end of the academic year comes to a close, it looks like some other elements of physically attending school would also be missed, including the annual graduation ceremonies.

However, a school in Dubai has made sure that its school children, who are graduating this month and finishing their secondary education, are recognised for their achievements and are presented with their graduation certificates.

Two senior leaders from The English College in Jumeirah have travelled throughout Dubai to the homes of the 62 Year 13 students who are graduating this summer and presented them with their graduation certificates.

Osman Idris, Head of Senior and Mike Edmonds, Deputy Head of Senior, have hand delivered special sanitised gift bags which included a branded medical face mask and water flask, along with the special 'Graduation 2020' certificates.  

"We wanted to make sure that our graduates, who are experiencing a very unusual situation this year, do feel that we absolutely value them and miss them a lot, as we have not seen them physically since March when the distance learning commenced." Mike Edmonds commented. "It has also been hard on us as teachers and being able to at least see them for a little while before they leave for good has been just one of the happiest moments for the past few months."


Osman Idris added "Some of our graduates have been with The English College since their primary school days and for them to not be able to be in class, see their friends and teachers during their last months at The English College made us think about how we could lift their spirits and make them feel that, despite the present challenges, they can achieve anything they want in their life. As they are entering a truly new phase in their lives, it is very important that the route they take next, is smooth and full of happiness and laughter."


"To see the truly surprised, hugely happy faces of our graduating students has been such a remarkable and wonderful experience and we could not be more thankful for having had such an outstanding graduating class of 2020/" Mr Edmonds added.


Mr Ford, Principal of The English College, said "This was a wonderful initiative by the Senior School team, and an important way to let our graduating students know that we truly appreciate all they have done for the school, that we will miss them terribly but remind them that they will always be part of the English College family."


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