Abu Dhabi Launches Emirati Family Growth Programme


The Department of Community Development, Abu Dhabi (DCD), the regulatory body for the social sector in the emirate, has launched a programme to support the growth of Emirati families. This program, approved by the Abu Dhabi Executive Council and led by His Highness Sheikh Khaled bin Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Chairman of the Abu Dhabi Executive Council, aims to strengthen family development in the region.

The programme includes various initiatives to support UAE Nationals in marriage, raising children, family building, and societal cohesion. The Emirati Family Growth Support Programme aligns with Abu Dhabi’s strategy to enhance family quality of life, with goals set through 2028. This initiative focuses on the growth and stability of Emirati families, recognising them as key drivers of the country's development and prosperity.

DCD supervises the Emirati Family Growth Support Programme, with initiatives implemented by several partners, including the Abu Dhabi Social Support Authority, the Abu Dhabi Early Childhood Authority, and the Abu Dhabi Housing Authority. 

The Emirati Family Growth Support Programme includes various initiatives to support UAE Nationals. Here are the key initiatives.

- Marriage Loan Initiative

To promote simple weddings and facilitated by the Abu Dhabi Social Support Authority, it provides a financial advance without interest or fees to citizen employees in public and private sectors about to get married. 

- Maternity Leave Support For Women Working In The Private Sector

The Abu Dhabi Social Support Authority will implement the Maternity Leave Support initiative for women working in the private sector, extending maternity leave for citizen mothers to 90 days to ensure they have enough time to rest and care for their newborns. The Home Visit Service Initiative, led by the Abu Dhabi Early Childhood Authority will also be implemented to support parents' well-being and monitor their child's growth and development during the first weeks of motherhood through home assistance visits.

- Rental Assistance For Newlyweds

The fourth initiative, led by the Abu Dhabi Housing Authority, is Rental Assistance for Newlyweds. This initiative offers yearly financial support to newly married couples, which lasts for four years. The assistance decreases gradually, with additional incentives tied to the birth of children.

- Loan Partial Deduction

The initiative is the Loan Partial Deduction, which exempts a portion of the loan amount, particularly related to the birth of a fourth, fifth, and sixth child in the family.

- Extending Housing Loan Repayment Period

The Abu Dhabi Housing Authority will also implement the initiative called Extending Housing Loan Repayment Period, extending housing loans for three years linked to the birth of the fourth, fifth, and sixth child.

To assist parents in raising their children and starting a stable family journey, the programme aims to develop systems and policies for work-life balance in collaboration with various partners. One key initiative supports working mothers and fathers with caregiving responsibilities, offering the flexibility needed to manage their daily lives. Additionally, the programme includes early childhood support initiatives that provide care services in government nurseries, creating more opportunities for children to enrol in these facilities.

When Will This Be Implemented

The Emirati Family Growth Support Programme will be implemented over five years. During this time, the effectiveness of each initiative will be evaluated to ensure they help create a stronger and more prosperous community.

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