Abu Dhabi To Ban Styrofoam Products From 1 June


The Environment Agency, Abu Dhabi (EAD) has announced a ban on a range of Styrofoam products, effective from 1 June 2024. This move is part of EAD's 'Single-Use Plastic Policy,' initiated in 2020. Styrofoam, a type of plastic known as expanded polystyrene, has various applications. The ban specifically targets avoidable single-use consumer products.

What Are The Banned Products 

The banned products include:

  • Cups made of expanded polystyrene.
  • Lids made of expanded polystyrene.
  • Plates made of expanded polystyrene.
  • Beverage containers (including caps and lids) made of expanded polystyrene.
  • Food containers used for immediate consumption, either on-site or for takeaway.
  • Containers for products are typically consumed directly from the receptacle without further preparation, such as cooking, boiling, or heating.

What Is Exempted From The Ban 

Exempt products from the ban include:

  • Large storage boxes and coolers not intended for single consumer use.
  • Trays used for meat, fruits
  • Ready-made dairy products
  • Other food items for retail sale
  • Products designed for medical uses

Dr. Shaikha Salem Al Dhaheri, EAD Secretary-General, said the move will help reduce litter in the environment. Styrofoam, in particular, breaks easily into microplastics that can enter the food chain and be harmful to human health and biodiversity.

"We are striving to make life easy for consumers while maintaining the balance of conserving the environment at the same time; therefore, for the ban, we have only selected items that are avoidable single-use plastics and have clear and sustainable alternatives. We will also provide support to government and private sector entities to facilitate the shift towards reusable solutions."

Rashed Abdulkarim Al Blooshi, Undersecretary of the Abu Dhabi Department of Economic Development (ADDED), reaffirmed ADDED's commitment to supporting environment-friendly strategies to ensure optimal conditions for doing business while preserving the environment. Here are some additional things to know: 

  • ADDED shared the Styrofoam ban circular with over 50,000 commercial establishments and 80 industrial facilities involved in plastic manufacturing.
  • An awareness program was launched in coordination with EAD, targeting commercial and industrial establishments to introduce the ban policy and outline the specific Styrofoam products being targeted.
  • ADDED will conduct field inspection campaigns at sales outlets and industrial establishments to ensure compliance with the ban across Abu Dhabi starting from 1 June 2024.
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