All men above 45 should get tested.
Movember is an annual event during the month of November to raise awareness of men's health issues, such as prostate and testicular cancer.
What is the prostate?
The prostate is a gland that is part of the Male sexual organs. It is responsible of production of 30% of the seminal fluid and also helps with controlling urine.
Who is at risk?
All men are at risk of prostate cancer ,and this is because it is the second most common cancer in men . The risk will increase if you have a family member who had prostate cancer or in men who are of an African race. The risk will also increase with age. That is why all men above the age of 45 should come forward and get tested.
What are the prostate diseases?
Benign prostate hyperplasia (prostate enlargement) is the most common disease of the prostate. It is present in more than 50% of men above 60 years old. It will cause weakness of urine stream, staining and feeling of incomplete bladder emptying. Some patients will wake up several times during sleeping to urinate. If you have these symptoms you should also see your urologist. This is a treatable disease and is not a normal aging sequence.
Prostatitis (prostate infection) is also a common disease in younger men. It is due to bacterial infection of the prostate when acute. It is associated with fever, difficult urination and deep pelvic pain. It is usually treated with antibiotics and other medications. Prostate cancer is the most dangerous prostate diseases. Although sometimes it may present with same prostate enlargement symptoms, some cases may be asymptomatic. The best cure rates are with early stages, which is why we advise everyone 45+ years of age to get tested. The disease can be treated with surgery (laparoscopic or robotic) or radiation therapy. Moreover, Patient with low risk disease may be just observed.
At the end, we also advise younger men to get tested for testicular tumours which are the most common solid tumour in younger men. They can start with self exam for testis and to see there urologist if there is any palpable hard nodule.
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Dr Hosam Al-Qudah
Address: HealthBay Polyclinic, Al Wasl Road, Dubai
Telephone No: 800 HBPC (4272)
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