As a Human Resources Director, I feel responsible for managing the company’s human resources and retaining valuable employees. Essential to this is creating human resources strategies, establishing objectives, coordinating areas such as talent acquisition and benefits, identifying training needs, counseling and disciplining staff, providing human resources advice, complying with legislation in the field, offering advice to management, monitoring sickness absence, and preparing human resources reports containing data such as cost per hire or staff turnover.
Perspectives And Vision:
• Having and maintaining a stable and efficient workforce.
• To make sure that all necessary steps are taken for efficient and effective hiring.
• To offer an opportunity for growth within the organization by opening the relevant recruitment positions for Health Bay Staff first prior to external hiring.
• To see Health Bay grow and develop into a full-blown corporate organization keeping the Employee satisfaction optimal.
• Retention of current staff and making sure that all staff is satisfied with their current work situation.
• Proper guidance and counseling of staff to keep them motivated to work for the company.
• Quarterly/Yearly assessments and appraisals to be carried out in line with the KPI’s set for the department of the particular position wise.
• Increments and promotions to be introduced after these evaluations.
• Employee engagement programs to be held regularly so all staff stay connected and get to know each other.
• Open door policy to make sure all have access to HR to discuss any issues that they might be facing at work.
• Introducing an annual employee engagement survey and implementing new practices and policies based on survey results.
Where Do I See Myself At Health Bay:
Health Bay for me is my second home and sometimes I feel I have spent more time here than with my family. This passion runs in me and for my future here I would like to work on establishing solid and trusting partnerships through exceptional relationship-building skills, utilizing positive energy and interpersonal abilities to secure employee and management trust. I want to optimize organizational success through my acute knowledge of human resources operations and strategies and wish it contributes immensely to the success of Health Bay.

Nisrine Bou Frem
Group Human Resources Director
HealthBay Management Office
Address: HealthBay Polyclinic, Al Wasl Road, Dubai
Telephone No: 800 HBPC (4272)