Updated Protocols For Returning To School

The National Emergency, Crisis and Disaster Management Authority (NCEMA) has announced protocols for the operation of educational institutes as children are set to retunr to the classroom.

The protocol applies to nurseries, daycare, public schools, private schools, higher education, training centres and institutes.

The first 30 days from when schools reopen, unvaccinated students will be given a grace period to get vaccinated, with all students, vaccinated and unvaccinated, getting a PCR test done every two weeks.

After 30 days, vaccinated students aged 12 and above need to get a PCR test done once a month.

Unvaccinated students aged 12 and above will need to get weekly PCR tests done with distant learning available for both vaccinated and unvaccinated students.

Parents need to download the Al Hosn App to display the vaccination certificates and PCR test results. Students that are exempt must also present their vaccination exemption certificates.

Students and staff need to fill out a health declaration form stating they have not been infected or come into contact with a positive case.

Face masks and personal items must not be shared along with avoiding hand shaking.

Students of determination must be placed in different groups in order to not cause a cluster in one group.

Students must bring their own prayer mats to the prayer room which will be sterilised after every use.

One metre social distancing is set in place with stickers along with signs to indicate hand washing and sanitising.

During breaks and classes, the institute must ensure that entrance and exit is in line with the set precautionary measures.

If a student starts showing any symptoms, the health and safety personnel, as well as the guardians of the child, must be informed immediately.

Isolation rooms will be allotted to handle students that are suspected and confirmed positive cases, according to MoHAP guidelines.

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