Learn To Drive In A Tesla

Tesla is a new generation car which has been getting a lot of attention from UAE’s residents recently. Touted as the safest and the quickest electric car on the road, the car has become a favourite among many. Seeing the soaring interest of residents in this new innovative car, Emirates Driving Institute (EDI) has introduced a driving course in Tesla cars under its Platinum Driving Course.

At the launch of the driving lessons in a Tesla, Mr. Amer Ahmed Belhasa, Managing Director, said: "The core values of Emirates Driving Institute include innovation and leadership, and as such, we aspire to be the leading innovator in the market. The addition of two Tesla electrical vehicles to our expanding fleet of luxury training cars aims to demonstrate world-class ideas and practices for driving the Green Economy concept and saving energy.”

Students will be able to register to acquire a driving license after being trained and tested in a Tesla. Those with an existing UAE license or who only need to trasfer their home country license to gain a UAE license, can register for a Refresher Driving Course using a Tesla. Also, resdients looking to own a Tesla, before making their purchase, can also be trained in one which will help them adapt to the mechanics and features of the car andf its driving style.

Tesla Cars

Tesla is accelerating the world's transition to sustainable energy, offering the safest, quickest electric cars on the road and integrated energy solutions. Model X is the first SUV ever to achieve a 5-star safety rating in every category and sub-category and the lowest probability of occupant injury, and a rollover risk half that of any SUV on the road.

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