Dubai Safari Park To Open For Its Sixth Season On 1 October

Dubai Safari Park

Get ready for an exciting adventure as Dubai Safari Park opens its doors for its sixth season on 1 October 2024. This premier attraction invites residents and visitors to delve into the animal kingdom, offering unique encounters with species from around the globe. After extensive upgrades over the summer, the new season promises an extraordinary experience featuring exotic wildlife right in the heart of Dubai.

Visitors can explore Dubai Safari Park on foot or via a shuttle train that connects six themed zones, each providing intimate encounters with a variety of wildlife. The park emphasises animal welfare and conservation through educational and immersive activities, and expert zoologists will once again present live demonstrations highlighting the wonders of the animal world.

With over 3,000 animals, including 78 mammal species, 50 types of reptiles, and 111 bird species, Dubai Safari Park continues to be a leading wildlife destination in the UAE. 

Visitors can enjoy the park’s expansive landscapes and interact with its diverse inhabitants in environments designed to cater to their needs.

Commenting on this Ahmad Al Zarouni, Director of Public Parks and Recreational Facilities at Dubai Municipality added, "Dubai Safari Park not only provides unforgettable experiences for our guests but stands as an example of responsible tourism and wildlife conservation. Our new season opening will mark an exciting chapter in Dubai’s ongoing efforts to promote tourism by giving Dubai visitors the chance to experience wildlife in a way that is completely new for the region."

More details on the new experiences, attractions, tickets and more will be announced in the coming weeks. Stay tuned!

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