10 Questions to ask your cosmetic surgeon

From their experience to their UAE credentials, and from the recovery times to the costs, the 10 things you should ask before that nip, tuck, plump or pluck…

When it comes to cosmetic surgery, business is booming in the UAE, with the number of surgeons licensed in the region and the number of procedures carried out increasing every year. And while procedures might exist these days which would have been unfathomable even a few years ago - eyebrow transplant, anyone? - one thing remains consistent: that you should do your homework before getting any form of cosmetic surgery.

While the modern preference might be to embark on an epic Googling session, quiz friends who’ve had surgery or trawl YouTube and Instagram for bloggers’ honest low downs on their tucks and tweaks, nothing beats comprehensive medical advice. We spoke to some of the leading cosmetic surgeons in the UAE to discover why they think these are the most important questions you
can ask them…

1. Is the surgeon licensed by the Dubai Health Authority (DHA)? If you’re looking to enhance your pout or Botox away those frown lines, you should only choose to have your procedure performed by professionals who are licensed by the DHA. This not only means you can count on some recourse if you wish to lodge a complaint, but also that you won’t fall foul of illegal procedures which can involve materials or techniques not approved for use in the UAE.

“Being licensed is significant proof that warrants patient’s safety, allowing them to accept any procedure or treatment without putting themselves at risk,” says Dr. Patricia Linn Eby, Specialist Plastic Surgeon at Medstar Day Surgery Center.

2. How often do they perform the procedures you want and can I see before and after photos of your previous patients? Seeing before and after photos can be a really helpful visual aid in helping you to decide if the surgery will be right for you and a surgeon who has performed any of the procedures will have an extensive gallery to share. Asking how often they perform the procedure will also give you piece of mind that you’re in the hands of an expert in their field, as well as enquiring how many years they have been performing the surgery.

3. Will I need anaesthesia, and who will administer it? Whether local or general, some patients may feel they need to prepare both mentally and physically for anaesthesia, so bringing it up in your consultation will help give you peace of mind. Anaesthesia can only be administered by qualified professionals, making it all the more important that you choose a surgeon who is licensed by the DHA, ensuring the anaesthesiologist is too.

4. What are the recovery times and expectations? A surgeon who has plenty of experience performing your desired surgery will also have plenty of experience in ascertaining recovery times. Although timings are highly individualistic, asking this question will help you make plans for when you will be away from normal activities, such as arranging childcare, cover at work or even grocery shopping and dog walking duties. You should also focus on the short-to-mid-term expectations too, such as your ability to perhaps lift heavy things weeks after surgery.

5. How soon before I can resume my normal life? Before you schedule your surgery, the answer to question 4 will also help you to mentally prepare for ‘being out of commission’ for recovery - particularly important if you’re not the type of person who likes to sit around. Asking this question will also help you to see if the timing is right for your surgery, factoring in engagements and appointments that you may be unable to reschedule.

6. What is the total cost of the surgery? An important question to ask due to the elective nature of cosmetic surgery, which means you could end up paying for things you might not have expected. Each procedure is unique, but you should ask your surgeon to highlight all costs, including pre- and post-surgery, as the final amount may have a bearing on whether or not you choose to proceed. Also, if you’re shopping around for the best price, it will allow you to compare.

“In general, clients need to know the total cost of the surgery for them to be financially prepared and to check if their procedure is cost effective,” explains Dr. Patricia Linn Eby, Specialist Plastic Surgeon at Medstar Day Surgery Center.

7. What are the potential risks and complications? This is a question that you should raise in your initial consultation and in any subsequent consultations, as during this time you can also cover what will happen if you develop a problem post-surgery. Asking about potential risks should also have the effect of helping you feel more confident with your surgeon as they talk you through their procedure in the event that issues may arise.

8. Where will the surgery take place? A question worth asking in case the surgery won’t be taking place where you have your consultations, and also so you have time to check if the establishment is an accredited surgery facility. It may also give patients peace of mind to know where the nearest hospital is, in case of severe complications.

9. What do I need to do to prepare for surgery? As with all surgery, you need to ensure any risk is minimised ahead of time. Asking this question will help the surgeon highlight any factors in your lifestyle that you might need to change in case they affect the outcome. For example, you may need to stop smoking or alcohol intake, lose weight or stop medications you are taking.

10. What happens if I’m not happy with the results? An important question that will shed light on a few things: firstly the procedures the surgeon and clinic has in place for unsatisfied customers, and also your own personal expectations of the outcome of surgery. Additionally, this question will help you to discover how long the expected recovery period is - for example, rhinoplasty can take up to eight months to ‘settle’ - as your surgeon will tell you not to assess the results until the swelling goes down and you schedule follow-up consultations.

“Knowing the full scope of the procedure will guarantee with assurances that if an unfortunate incident takes place, there will always be solutions or second option,” Dr. Patricia Linn Eby, Specialist Plastic Surgeon at Medstar Day Surgery Center.

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