Skin Treatments Debunked: What Do They Mean?

Every beauty lover, both female and male, knows that sometimes it can be hard to keep up with the latest trends. More often than not there’s such an overwhelming flow of new beauty treatments with ever-growing names that it can start to sound like a different language. We can all agree that we all want what is best for our skin and, how do we find out what that is? By doing our research! Here at Connector, we understand that it can be confusing and believe in making your life easier, we’ve worked to decipher the most talked-about skin treatments. From microdermabrasion to dermaplaning and everything in between, we’ve spoken to the experts to get everything you’ve asked, answered.

What are the effects of dermaplaning on the skin?
To the naked eye, dermaplaning can seem almost like just shaving your face. However, it’s a lot more than that. Dermaplaning is a highly effective exfoliation technique that removes dead skin cells, leaving you with a smooth, gorgeous complexion. Dermaplaning removes the microscopic hairs on your face, known as ‘peach fuzz’ which can clog pores, making your skin look dull and prone to breakouts. Carmelle Mariano skin therapist at LaVie Clinic said, “Dermaplaning is a quick and painless procedure that involves using a surgical scalpel to exfoliate and remove dead skin cells right off of your face. Dermaplaning can help tighten loose skin, reduce hyperpigmentation and ultimately help your face look younger. Dermaplaning leaves your skin brighter, smoother, glowing, and more youthful as dermaplaning goes beyond a basic shave . The blade is used on clean, dry skin on the forehead, cheeks, chin, nose and neck. You can expect to see an instant improvement in skin texture and tone, while the long-term effects are increased cell turnover, fewer wrinkles and dark spots, reduction of acne scarring, and the removal of fine facial hair.” If it’s good enough for Cleopatra, Marilyn Monroe and Elizabeth Taylor, where do we sign up?

What is microdermabrasion?
Dr. Mayur Bhobe, Specialist Dermatologist at Cocoona said, “The microdermabrasion machine gently exfoliates your skin. This can be done by different methods. Some microdermabrasion techniques use a high-pressure flow of very small aluminium oxide or magnesium oxide crystals at the skin. Another method, is to exfoliate using a diamond-tipped device which you draw across your skin. Diamond is often used for the exfoliation surface, although other minerals can also be used. Secondly it removes the dead skin cells by a built-in vacuum which sucks away the dead cells. Suction pressure can be adjusted to suit your sensitivity. Some microdermabrasion machines also have a third feature which is to apply a skin care product which complements the microdermabrasion and enhances the results you can achieve by using it.”

What are the effects of microdermabrasion?
Microdermabrasion has been one of the most popular treatments in the region. Carmelle Mariano at LaVie Clinic said, “Microdermabrasion is one of the most sought after treatments during winters. This is a magic wand for people of almost all ages including both men and women. Even though LaVie Clinic has a lot of surgical treatments, microdermabrasion is a non-surgical facial resurfacing technique they focus on. Microdermabrasion mechanically exfoliates the outermost layer of dead skin cells leaving your skin feeling softer, smoother, looking younger and more vibrant.”

Who would you recommend chemical peels to?
The term ‘chemical peel’ can be quite daunting. The thought of putting chemicals on your face may seem harmful but it has proven to be very effective for a number of skin concerns. Dr. Mayur Bhobe of Cocoona said, “Chemical peels are commonly recommended for acne, pigmentation, open pores fine lines and rejuvenation of skin. Commonly used peeling agents include alpha hydroxy acids (glycolic, malic and lactic acids), beta hydroxy acids (Salicylic acid), Trichloroacetic acid and retinol peel (yellow peel). The strength of a peel varies according to the agent used, duration of contact with the skin and the number of coats. They act by breaking the intercellular cement that holds the skin cells together causing exfoliation of the skin. By exfoliating the epidermal cells, they disperse the pigment in the epidermis Salicylic acid in acne in particular also has anti inflammatory and bacteriostatic properties and decreases oil production from the skin. The choice of peel depends on the type and colour of the skin.” Seek professional help before opting in for a peel, according to Dr Marwa Hamdy of ZO Skin Centre, “All kinds of peels should be restricted to doctor’s prescription.”

How does a photofacial work?
A photofacial is a skin treatment that uses light in order to boost the skin’s collagen, lighten dark spots and diminish broken capillaries. Dr. Fiona Cowie, Dermatologist in Aesthetic Medicine, Aesthetica Clinic Dubai said, “Photofacials use light waves to help rejuvenate skin. We can use different light wavelengths to treat different issues. Some wavelengths help to reduce acne flare ups, scarring and others help with photoaging by reducing fine lines, pigmented spots , vascular lesions and skin laxity. The best candidates for photofacials are people with sun-damaged skin demonstrated by age spots, liver spots and light freckling, hyperpigmentation, enlarged pores or red and flushed faces, broken capillaries and loose skin. An added benefit is that the facial stimulates new collagen, resulting in smoother, healthier skin.”

What are the risks of microneedling at home and not professionally?
Microneedling is the word on pretty much every beauty blogger’s lips. Microneedling, in the common sense, refers to a tool fitted with very small needles that you roll onto your skin in order to generate new collagen - which keeps our skin looking nice and plump. But, performing this treatment at home poses a lot of risk and it’s important to seek professional treatment to avoid infections or damage. Dr. Fiona Cowie, said, “When we perform microneedling in clinics the skin is always cleaned and disinfected first which is often not done with home treatments. Microneedling done on unclean skin can be a source of serious infection. Home treatments are usually done with dermarollers not dermapens. Dermarollers are only meant for one use but are often used for more. This again acts as a possible source of skin infection and the tips can go blunt which again damages the skin. Professional treatments are done with dermapen tips which can be customised to different depths for different areas of the face. They are usually combined with professional grade mesotherapy or PRP for optimum treatment results, Treatments are also done using topical analgesia in clinics which means deeper penetration of the skin can be achieved to treat scars and other issues. These results cannot be achieved with home microneedling kits.”

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