6.7 Million People Used Public Transport In Dubai During Eid Al Adha Holidays


During the Eid Al Adha holiday period from 15 to 18 June, Dubai's Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) reported a notable increase in the use of public transport, exceeding 6.7 million passengers compared to approximately 6.4 million the previous year. RTA offered a wide array of transportation options, with metro users on the Red and Green lines reaching 2.5 million, tram usage exceeding 101,000, and public buses carrying 1.4 million passengers. 

Marine transport also proved popular, serving 280,000 passengers. Taxis played a pivotal role, transporting 2 million users, while shared vehicles saw over 350,000 users. The RTA's efforts ensured diverse and efficient transportation services throughout the holiday, catering to the city's bustling travel demands.

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