Looking for a school is one of the most challenging times for any parent. How do I know this is the right school for my child or children? It is enough to leave you having sleepless nights worrying about this.
At Emirates International Schools, we have worked hard to make sure this process is as easy as possible to follow.
As soon as you contact our admissions teams, we guide you through the process. The initial stages are always founded on meeting the team who will take care of your children.
We have regular tours with curriculum experts and our senior academic staff are always on hand to answer any of your queries.
This is important because we want you to have all the information at hand, so you feel comfortable in moving forward to the next stage.
EIS is an IB World School, with our Jumeirah campus offering all four continuum programmes, PYP, MYP, DP and CP, and our Meadows campus offering the PYP, MYP and DP programmes.
It is an important aspect of who we are and our experts will ensure you leave well informed.
We also know later on, as you are sitting at home, you may have additional questions to ask.
For this, we have a feedback form which you can fill in at your leisure, pose your questions, and we will get back to you within 24 to 48 hours.

We also run a number of different sessions where children can try out for the day ‘A day in EIS’ and 'Stay and Play' sessions for early years.
Both experiences will allow your child to see what it is really like to be a student at EIS and will set your mind at rest that your child will be successful and happy at our schools.
Once you have made the decision to join us, our Registrar will lead you through the paperwork and our academic teams will get ready to welcome your child to the school.
We are very aware the first few days can be worrying and so we have set up an excellent settling-in guide online, on our Parent Support Group pages as well as a number of activities by the class teachers to ensure they soon find their feet.
Our pastoral work is excellent and we make every effort to ensure all children enjoy their learning in a safe environment.
Our teams are ready to support you in choosing us as the right school for your child.

Robert Ellis, Principal at Emirates International School – Jumeirah

For more information, visit the EIS Schools website
EIS Jumeirah via landline at 04-3489804 or email eisjstudentservices@eischools.ae and eisjadmission@eischools.ae
EIS Meadows via landline at 04-3629009 or email eismstudentservices@eischools.ae and eismadmission@eischools.ae
For the latest updates, follow Emirates International School Jumeirah on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter and Emirates International School Meadows on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.