Motherhood, sleep deprivation and a new baby

No doubt being new parents is a joyous event but many couples are amazed at how a tiny new life can take control of their emotions, routine and most importantly restful sleep. With constant need for attention, diaper changes, colic cries and sleepless nights; being a new parent can be exhausting. But sleep deprivation and motherhood need not go hand in hand. Try these expert tips.

Sleep tips for new mums

Sleep when your baby sleeps: Just turn off the phone, the laundry can wait and ignore the dishes in the sink. You will always find time to manage chores when your baby is awake.

Be patient when being watchful: A lot of times a discomfort, squeak or a slight cry could just be a matter of your baby settling down. Wait until you feel it is really required to attend to your baby.

Take turns in night time duties: It is important that you draw a schedule along with your partner so that you both get enough rest. If you breastfeed, your husband could take up diaper changing. Once the baby is on bottle feed, fathers can take turns in feeding the baby.

Set aside social graces: It is ok to say no when you feel a guest will be intruding in your much needed sleep. If there are some unavoidable ones, don’t feel obligated to host them the same way as you did before.

Care for sleep: If you have trouble falling asleep, check your environment. Keep your bedroom cool and dark. Avoid nicotine and caffeine late in the day or at night. Get regular physical activity but not too close to bedtime, if possible. Also, avoid stimulating light and noise around bedtime. Do not agonise over falling asleep. If you are not nodding off within a reasonable amount of time, get up and do something else until you feel sleepy. Then try going back to bed.

CONTINUE: Sleep tips for new baby >>

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