Sleep tips for new baby

Recognise sleep signs of your baby: Rubbing of eyes, whining and crying, yawning, stretching or even flicking ears with hands are all sighs of feeling sleepy. Ensure you keep everything aside and tend to your baby.

Start disciplining day and night time zones: You can show the difference between day and night to two to three week old babies. Bath and changing to start of the day, keeping it bright and cheerful throughout, maximum play, everyday sounds of the radio or even the washing machine; are all ways to make them understand day time. Later in the evening, keep lights and noises low, avoid eye contact and play when feeding and sponge clean the baby to change into pyjamas for a night time routine.

Set the mood: Baby’s bedroom should be dark, cosy and comfortable. Keep temperature levels comfortable to induce sleep. Of course it helps to keep window shades dark to keep the sunlight at bay.

You will be eventually able to develop your baby’s sleep schedule but if you think you have a sleep problem, there is no harm in consulting a Sleep Specialist. Identifying and treating any underlying conditions can help you get the rest you need. Remember, taking good care of yourself, including getting adequate sleep, will help you take the best care of your baby.

Dr Irshaad Ebrahim is Medical Director at The London Sleep Centre Dubai, visit

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