Richa Bansal: Championing Sustainability In The UAE

According to the United Nations, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by all Member States in 2015, outlines a shared vision for global prosperity while preserving the planet for future generations. At its core are 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including sustainable cities and communities. Emphasising the significance of sustainable living amidst climate change and environmental challenges, it calls for immediate action. Recently, Connector spoke with Richa Bansal, a sustainability advocate and founder of Ecobee, a Dubai-based company established in 2022. Originally from Delhi, India, and educated in Lagos, Nigeria, Richa moved to Dubai in 2012. With a gold medal in applied psychology and an MBA, she transitioned into entrepreneurship during the pandemic, passionately creating sustainable solutions for individuals and businesses.

How Did The Sustainable Journey Begin

Starting a sustainable company is one thing, but Richa's journey began with a different path: education and personal commitment to sustainability. As a mother of two, her journey started with her daughter's school project on recycling. Richa, who had always dreamed of entrepreneurship, was taken aback when her daughter asked for 100 newspapers without fully understanding the concept of recycling. Shortly after, someone in her neighbourhood requested 100 plastic bottles for a zero-waste drive, leaving Richa puzzled once again about the true meaning behind these terms. This realisation prompted her to undertake extensive research into sustainability and its implications for our future.

Adding to this she says, "After hearing these words, it struck me that today's youth are inundated with buzzwords like zero waste, recycling, sustainability, eco-friendly, without truly grasping their meaning. Schools attempt to educate, but without a deeper understanding and long-term perspective on environmental issues, real change won't happen. This realisation inspired me to create a business focused on raising awareness and educating youth about the importance of becoming responsible environmental ambassadors, teaching them what zero waste means, why single-use plastics are a concern, and the significance of sustainable practices."

Sustainability First Began At Home 

Richa ensured her family embraced sustainable practices before educating the youth and establishing her business. When she first encountered buzzwords like 'zero waste' and 'eco-friendly', she realised she needed to understand and adopt these principles herself. "Before I teach others," she thought, "let me walk the talk." Through thorough research, Richa identified recycling challenges in the UAE and grasped the harmful effects of single-use plastics, and took proactive steps to educate her children about these issues, laying the foundation for what would later become Ecobee, initially an awareness initiative.

Richa adds, "I started with simple activities at home with my children sorting waste into different bins for plastics, paper, and wet waste. We turned it into a game with rewards, which incentivised them to learn and become champions in sustainability. Seeing my kids grasp these concepts inspired me to create workshops and content for youth, teaching them about single-use plastics and do-it-yourself projects like turning t-shirts into cloth bags. Children are eager learners, and their enthusiasm showed me they are the future we need to educate and empower in environmental guardianship."

As the kids began grasping sustainability's importance, Richa encountered challenges along the way. She implemented eco-friendly practices at her children's birthday parties, reflecting on one particular incident, she adds, 

"For my kids' birthdays, it had to be zero waste - no plastic bottles, no disposable thermocol, and no return gifts promoting plastic. I created invites saying 'BYOB: Bring Your Own Bottles,' despite initial hesitations from my husband and other family members. It was about making a change and showing that a short event shouldn't generate unnecessary waste. Surprisingly, after some initial resistance, everyone understood the impact. It became a personal journey, challenging but rewarding, spreading awareness among friends and family to avoid single-use plastics at events."

Birth Of Ecobee

Ecobee initially started right in the middle of Covid in 2020. It started as a company spreading awareness about sustainability by arranging workshops with children and schools. Richa adds, "As schools and corporations began seeking our training and eco audit services, we realised the need for accessible and affordable eco-friendly products. Our journey from creating eco learners to eco buyers underscored the importance of making sustainable products accessible. In 2020, we were called 'Youth Environment Sustainability (YES) for Us', we had significantly expanded our impact in raising awareness and fostering greener practices across communities and businesses."

Reflecting on the journey from educator to business owner and impact maker, Richa shares, "In 2022, during a pivotal board meeting, my advisors and I decided it was time to elevate our impact. We envisioned a 360-degree approach, beyond awareness, to innovative, accessible products. After researching thousands of names, I found inspiration in bees. They're vital for our ecosystem, symbolising hard work and community. 'Ecobee' emerged: 'eco' for eco-friendly, and 'bee' for their impactful role in nature. It reflects our mission for everyone to embody this spirit of positive change. Be like the bee, making a difference."

Challenges Faced As An Entrepreneur

While her family and friends rallied behind Richa in her sustainability mission, convincing society of its importance as an entrepreneur posed a significant challenge.

"It was challenging to convince parents to enrol their children in our workshops initially. We started with free sessions to build awareness, but transitioning to a sustainable business model meant we had to charge a minimal fee, around Dhs 30 to Dhs 50 per workshop. Parents hesitated at first, preferring to spend on other activities like gymnastics or football classes. However, once children participated and became passionate about sustainability, they would influence their parents. I've seen kids refuse plastic bags at supermarkets after our workshops, showing the impact of early education on environmental consciousness," adds Richa. 

Transitioning into a business focused on sustainable products, Richa recognised the challenges of engaging corporates. The hurdles of awareness, budget constraints, and rooted mindsets proved challenging in her entrepreneurial journey. 

"Changing corporate mindsets was incredibly challenging. Initially, many firms saw no reason to switch from bubble wrap, citing its low cost and customer satisfaction. Yet, the environmental impact of bubble wrap waste is enormous globally, especially in the UAE with its high consumption rates. Over the years, I confronted pricing hurdles and rooted mindsets while advocating for sustainable alternatives like our honeycomb paper, which replaces bubble wrap with eco-friendly packaging solutions," adds Richa. 

UAE, The Best Place To Start This Sustainability Movement

Richa praises the UAE's commitment to sustainability and highlights it as the ideal place to launch a sustainable business, and adds, "Last year, UAE was hailed as the Year of Sustainability, with initiatives like hosting COP28 at Expo and championing United Nations goals. Now, with 2024 also dedicated to sustainability, UAE continues to lead in supporting startups and innovations with environmental impact. It's truly the ideal place for us from an initiatives standpoint."

"The initiatives and platforms provided by the UAE, combined with Ecobee's vision, align perfectly to make the UAE greener. Despite initial scepticism and ridicule, I persisted with a passion and intuition that aimed not to prove doubters wrong, but to demonstrate that meaningful change is possible," adds Richa. 

Why Is Sustainability Important For Youth 

With Covid-19, torrential rainfall in the UAE, and erratic weather patterns worldwide, there's a growing realisation that climate change is not a myth or a joke. People are becoming more aware of its realities, yet many struggle with finding solutions or comprehending the urgency for action by 2030. The severity of climate change consequences, if unaddressed, will impact us within our lifetime. 

To inspire people toward sustainable living, Richa emphasises beginning with small steps, whether at home or in the office, making gradual changes each day. Once these habits become ingrained as a mindset or lifestyle, there's no turning back. Avoiding fast fashion and single-use plastic products is crucial. The sheer volume of plastic in landfills poses a serious threat to future generations' survival if we don't take action now.

Richa's Take On Success

As Richa continues to advocate for sustainability, her sole mantra for expanding across GCC regions is the impact she is making. Lastly, defining success and growth she adds, "Every day, I wake up thinking about the impact I'll create. I ask my team, "What impact will we make this week? Whose lives will we touch? What difference will we create?" It's about going to bed at night knowing we've done something meaningful. That's my journey of growth and success." 

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