Tamara Binladin Transforms Elder Care with Elder Square


Loneliness is a deep challenge that affects many, especially as we age. While most of us have ways to cope, through conversations with loved ones and friends, or adapting to new routines, those without close family or friends often struggle more intensely. This issue is global, and Dubai is no exception. Tamara Binladin, a seasoned entrepreneur with over 20 years of experience and a Dubai resident for 11 years, has launched Elder Square to address this gap. This initiative aims to support seniors who lack local family support and struggle with isolation.

Tamara identified that existing social groups for the elderly often served only the relatively healthy for brief periods, leaving those needing extra assistance or medical care underserved. Elder Square seeks to fill this critical need by creating a supportive, engaging environment for seniors. Connector spoke with Tamara to learn more about her inspiration, the vision behind Elder Square, and her aspirations for its future.

How Did It All Start? 

In today’s world, Elder Square is more than just a caregiving facility; it’s a vibrant community space where seniors can spend their days, engage in activities, form connections, and maintain their health. It provides daily engagement and a structured routine, allowing elders to look forward to each day. Elder Square goes beyond mere care; it fosters a sense of belonging and helps seniors remain active and engaged members of society.

This centre offers comprehensive services, including an outpatient geriatric medical centre, advanced day care, rehabilitation facilities, and various recreational activities to enhance physical and mental well-being. The inspiration for this concept stemmed from Tamara Binladin’s personal experience, which highlighted the challenges faced by older adults and motivated her to create a space where they could thrive.

Sharing the incident, that motivated her to start Elder Square, Tamara adds, "Honestly, the inspiration for Elder Square felt like a divine calling rather than a lifelong ambition. It all started when my mother’s 85-year-old uncle came to Dubai for a three-month visit. Despite his vibrant and active life in Brazil, his health began to decline here because he had nothing meaningful to do and limited social interaction. His days were confined to the apartment, with only brief outings to the mall. Witnessing his rapid decline in such a short time made me realise how many seniors in Dubai are facing similar isolation and neglect. This realisation sparked my curiosity and drive to create a better solution. A year and a half later, Elder Square was born, and we've been receiving incredible feedback for its innovative and compassionate approach to elder care."

Why Dubai, And Why Not Some Other Country Or Emirate? 

Dubai is renowned for its luxury, opportunities, and comfortable lifestyle, attracting young people from around the globe who come here to start new lives and pursue their dreams. In such a vibrant and dynamic environment, launching something like Elder Square is an unconventional but impactful initiative.

Sharing her thoughts on this, Tamara says, "Dubai is known for its opulence and grandeur, the glitz, the glam, the iconic landmarks. But beneath the surface, there’s a different reality for residents: families juggling daily life, parents visiting their children, and a layer of needs that often goes unnoticed. As Dubai aims to double its population by 2030, with expanding communities, packed schools, and growing infrastructure, there’s a rising demand for services tailored to an ageing population. Many who grew up here, moved away, and now return with their families in Dubai find that their elderly parents often spend more time here. Elder Square, which opened in March, has already received overwhelming confirmation of this need, highlighting a crucial gap in elder care in the city."

How Senior Needs Are Often Misunderstood Globally

While medical care for seniors often receives attention, there's a crucial aspect that's frequently overlooked: isolation. Loneliness can be as draining as physical health issues like diabetes, exhausting seniors emotionally and leaving them without purpose. Although physical health is prioritised, mental well-being, which is equally important, often gets neglected.    

Tamara adds her take on this and says, "In cities like Dubai, where many residents are expatriates, the elderly often become the forgotten generation. While resources are poured into activities and support for children, the needs of seniors are frequently overlooked. This neglect is aggravated in a place where families are scattered and community ties are weak. The focus tends to be on treating physical ailments like diabetes or chronic pain, but the emotional and social aspects of ageing are equally critical."

Tamara also says, "Studies show that isolation is detrimental to health at any age, especially for the elderly. Loneliness can lead to a decline in mental well-being, which in turn affects physical health. Depression can worsen chronic pain, and a lack of social interaction can diminish one's overall quality of life. Addressing only physical symptoms without considering social needs can lead to a worsening spiral. Providing a supportive community where seniors can socialise and form connections is essential for holistic health and well-being."

An Aim To Offer An Ideal Blend Of Health Care And Social Club 

Tamara faced challenges in establishing her unique venture in Dubai, as it was the first of its kind. However, she remained focused on its purpose, ensuring it was neither just a healthcare centre nor a social club. Through feedback and overcoming obstacles, Tamara found the right balance, creating a space where people truly feel valued and wanted.

"One of the biggest challenges I've faced is that it's the first of its kind here. We have a diverse elderly population in Dubai, ranging from those who are seriously ill and need constant medical supervision to those who are healthy but seeking social engagement. Initially, I didn’t know what to expect, but I quickly realised the need for both medical and social support. Elder Square is designed to address this by offering comprehensive care, including medical assessments, nutritional guidance, and psychological support, all tailored to each individual's needs."

"Our facility provides a range of services, from a full membership program with regular check-ups to a flexible pass for those who prefer less commitment. We offer various activities aimed at enhancing social, physical, and mental well-being, such as brain games, group physiotherapy, and storytelling. Our goal is to create a vibrant community where age is no barrier to enjoying life, and every senior can find something meaningful and enjoyable at Elder Square."

The Mission Is To Make Sure Everyone Is Happy And Their Family Is Involved 

One of the most distinctive aspects of this project is that it isn’t just a shelter or a facility where elderly people are left behind. Instead, Elder Square focusses on involving families and exploring how they can play a more active role in the lives of their senior members.

Emphasising more on this, Tamara adds, "Caregivers often struggle with understanding how to properly care for their elderly loved ones because they may not recognise the underlying issues behind behaviours they perceive as simply grumpiness. This behaviour is frequently a sign of unmet medical, social, or mental health needs. Our goal is to educate the community so that it’s not just about bringing a family member to our facility and picking them up later without gaining any insights. We want the entire family to be actively involved and informed, ensuring that the care extends beyond our walls and engages the whole home in the process."

With a commitment to ensuring that elders receive the care and love they deserve, Tamara emphasises that she is in no rush to expand the business. Tamara prefers to take a measured approach, focusing on maintaining high levels of satisfaction for everyone who visits the centre. 

We look forward to seeing how Tamara will guide Elder Square in the coming years.

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