Looking after your breast health

The greatest weapon in the fight against breast cancer is awareness.

Whether you have symptoms, concerns about family history or want an overall assessment of your breast health, it is essential to follow these three easy steps:

Step 1: Breast Self-Examination (BSE)

A woman should begin practicing BSE by the age of 20 and should continue throughout her life. Regular BSE will teach you to know how your breasts normally feel so that you can more readily detect any changes.

Step 2: Clinical Examinations

A physical breast examination by a specialist is recommended every three years for women between the ages of 20-39 and every year for women after the age of 40. Your doctor will recommend screenings or diagnostic investigations based on your medical and family history, any findings or concerns discussed in your initial consultation and your breast anatomy.

Step 3: Breast Imaging

Breast imaging is a general term that encompasses many different kinds of imaging. Breast Ultrasounds, Mammograms and MRIs are non-invasive and painless imaging studies that look at the breast anatomy to evaluate it for disease. It can be used as a screening tool to detect early breast cancer in patients without symptoms or as a diagnostic tool to diagnose breast diseases in women experiencing symptoms.

If you are recommended to have a breast biopsy, don’t panic. A biopsy is a quick, minor procedure that involves removing cells or tissue from the area of interest. These cells or tissue are then studied under a microscope to determine diagnosis.

After your breast imaging is performed, you will have a follow-up consultation with your doctor to discuss your results and if any treatment or follow-up imaging is required.

When breast cancer is detected early, the chances of survival are highest.

A leading medical centre is supporting the fight against breast cancer by investing in clinical expertise and the latest technology. They offer tailored Breast Health Services led by a multidisciplinary female clinical team including consultations, diagnostic, screening, imaging and biopsy procedures.

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