Water and Fertility!

Insufficient water intake can lead to dehydration and this is bad news for your fertility.

Recent studies have shown that the more hydrated your cervical mucus is, the easier sperm can travel through it. So to give yourself the best chances of conception, we recommend 8 to 10 cups of water daily.

If you’re not a big water drinker, here’s a suggestion, fill up a big cup of water every morning. Then set an alarm on your phone to go off every two hours during the day. When it beeps that means it’s time to refill your water glass.

Don't forget water is necessary for cell division, metabolism, and reproduction, and Water helps carry nutrients to the placenta and is an important part of all aspects of fetal development.


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Email: receptionauh@fakihivf.com

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Phone: 03 766 6673
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Email: reception.alain@fakihivf.com

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