Why do schools teach children algebra?

Why do schools teach children algebra?
We all know the value of learning how to read, but when it comes to understanding the need of learning algebra, most people will say that you only need it for college and that there is no true need for it in our everyday lives.

Some people will rationalise that algebra is only given to children above a certain age as it is too difficult to comprehend at the early stages.

It is true that the value of algebra is not as obvious as the value of arithmetic. In actuality however algebra is all around us. For us to live a productive and enriched life we must understand it. Actually children are exposed to the foundation of algebraic thinking very early on in school, through patterns, mathematical solutions, change and structure.

Here are some general reasons why algebra is so important and why we have to understand it:
Without knowledge of algebra,
• you are kept from doing many jobs or even entering programmes that will get you a job.
• you lose control over parts of your life and must rely on others to do things for you.
• you are likely to make unwise decisions financial and otherwise.
• you will not be able to understand many ideas discussed in chemistry, physics, the earth sciences, economics, and business psychology and many other areas.

Algebra is the language of generalisation; the language through which we describe patterns through formulas. There are formulas for every walk of life. You will need formulas to determine how much milk your child needs and how much income tax you will need to pay.

Algebra is also the language of relationships between quantities. What happens to various aspects of your health as you grow older? How will your budget be affected if you change your spending habits? These are very simple reasons on how and why algebra is important, and that it why we do need to offer young children a solid foundation of algebraic thinking.

With thanks to Mathnasium UAE. Email uae@mathnasium.com or visit www.mathnasium.ae.

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