Connector October 2023

CONNECTOR.AE 48 CONNECTOR.AE 49 Health and Wellness Health and Wellness formed by the flap back. After that, using a programmed laser, parts of your cornea will be reshaped; once that’s done, the cornea’s flap will be placed back. During the surgery, the doctor will ask you to focus on a point of light since that helps to get your eye fixed while the laser reshapes your cornea. Side Effects Post Surgery Usually, there are no side effects, but there can be temporary effects like hazy or blurry vision, light sensitivity, discomfort or pain, dryness and more; however, with eye drops and care, your eye will heal soon. Highlighting dryness as one of the main side effects, Dr Esmaeil Arababi added, “Some patients may even develop a condition called neuralgia, where the cornea becomes highly sensitive. In other cases, patients can experience discomfort due to dryness, even if their eyes are not excessively dry. Additionally, a few patients may encounter visual disturbances during the night, such as glare, halos, or starbursts. These issues were more common in older laser technologies, but with modern lasers, the risk of severe glare and halos has minimized to less than 1%.” Procedure After The Surgery Following Lasik surgery, you might encounter slight itching and experience minor discomfort in your eye, but the recovery of your vision typically happens swiftly. As part of the post-operative care regimen, your physician may provide you with eye drops and instruct you to wear a transparent eye shield for protection or dark glasses as your eye heals. Within a day or two, a follow-up appointment will be scheduled with your doctor to assess your treated eye and adjust your treatment plan as needed. Speaking about the side effects, Dr. Esmaeil Arababi, Medical Director of Moorfields Eye Hospital Centre Abu Dhabi, Consultant Ophthalmologist, Corneal transplant, Cataract and Refractive Surgery, said, “The most common issue is dry eyes, which can affect a significant portion of patients, around 30% to 40%. Fortunately, in most cases, this dryness tends to improve and return to its baseline within a few weeks or in one to two months. Sometimes it might take up to three months. However, dry eyes can become severe and symptomatic in less than 1% of all individuals.” Dr. Imad Hakim of Moorfields Eye Hospitals UAE, also suggests patients take prescribed eye drops post the surgery; he says, “After the surgery, patients should avoid rubbing their eyes, going for a swim, visiting saunas and performing any kind of sports/ strenuous activity. Besides this, wearing protective sunglasses are a must.” However, for a few weeks, you have to avoid eye makeup, hair wash, swimming, heavy contact sports, and follow all the instructions your doctor writes down for you.