Café Scientifique Dubai invites you to look up at the stars and beyond

Café Scientifique Dubai seeks to inspire wonder and awe of the universe through its next event, which for the first time since its inception, takes place outdoors. Jupiter will be at Opposition on Friday 6th February, which means it will be at its closest and brightest for the next four years.

"This is Café Scientifique Dubai's 13th event since its launch in April 2013," says Founder, Rohan Roberts. "We've talked about the universe a few times during our meet ups and thought it was time to take the conversation outdoors, where we can offer our members an opportunity to truly engage with the cosmos."

He continues, "Many of us are so busy in our day-to-day lives that we rarely stop and look up at the night sky, and if, by chance we do, we have no idea what we are looking at. We are very passionate about astronomy at Café Scientifique Dubai and, once one looks through the telescope and sees distant celestial objects it is a truly breathtaking, life-changing, perspective-shifting experience."

At the next Café Scientifique Dubai meeting event-goers will have a chance to look through powerful telescopes. They will also have a guided tour of the night sky and learn about some of the constellations they can see with the naked eye. Some of the best astronomers in Dubai, including Keith Cobby, Amol Mane, and Stefan Zietara will be at the event.

Café Scientifique is a place where, for the price of a cup of coffee, anyone can come to explore the latest ideas in science and technology. The idea is to talk science, but outside an academic setting. The first Cafés Scientifique in the UK were held in Leeds in 1998. From there, cafés gradually spread across the UK and the rest of the world and now operate in 80 different cities.

Café Scientifique Dubai is the first of its kind in the Middle East and currently has over 12,000 followers. It is committed to promoting public engagement with science and to making science fun and exciting to the lay person. Café Scientifique Dubai covers a wide range of issues relating to science and technology. Since 1998, cafés have covered almost every conceivable scientific topic: AIDS, the Big Bang, biodiversity, cancer, code-breaking, consciousness, ecology, extreme life, foetal experience, genetic modification, global warming, infertility, nanotechnology, and more.

Everyone's welcome and Café Scientifique Dubai positively welcomes questions which begin with "This might be a dumb question, but..." These questions are invariably not dumb and are often rather insightful.

The Café Scientifique Dubai stargazing meeting is free by registration at It will be held on Friday 6th February 2015 from 6.30pm – 9pm opposite the Jebel Ali Equestrian Club and racecourse.

For more details visit

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