Check out our chat with Maria Savic, founder of Miss Fitness Personal Training for women in Dubai.
What brought you to Dubai?
It was love at first sight when I came to Dubai for a vacation in 2008. I loved everything about Dubai! I remember, taking a plane back, the only thought I had was “I wish I could stay here”. Soon after I graduated from university in 2010, I applied for a job and got the first job offer in Dubai.
Describe a typical day
My day starts at 7am. I love mornings, mostly because I love coffee! I usually spend a few hours replying to emails, organising meetings, checking if the girls need anything (trainers working in my company), working on projects and social media. Having my own company means that work never ends (or I never stop working!). Then I hit the gym and finish my training, after which I’m able to focus on my clients. Some days, when I finish work early, I have the evening free for socialising, attending events and spending time with loved ones.
How did you get into this profession?
It was always a passion of mine. I decided to completely dedicate myself to helping women get healthy and fit when I was diagnosed with cancer. I took six months off to fight the disease by being 100% raw vegan, meditating and exercising. Being diagnosed with a disease can come with a combination of negative thoughts and stress. Do not forget that your thoughts are the most powerful cure but they can also be the poison. That is something that I teach my clients, to always think positive and work on visualising themselves healthy, fit and slim. Your body will follow your brain. If you say “I am never going to lose weight”, it is likely that it will become the truth.
What is the best thing about your job?
The happiness that I feel when my clients tell me how much I have helped them (overcome an injury, after surgeries, C section) and that they are finally pain free after years of having difficulties with back or joint pain. That they never imagined they could feel comfortable in their skin and have their dream body.
I get to work with amazing women. I have learned so many things from them and I am extremely grateful for that.
I love working with new moms and their babies. It’s such an amazing thing to see that bond between a new-born and their mother while they exercise. It’s a lot of laughs. Also, the happiness that I feel when my clients tell me how much I have helped them and that they have never imagined they can feel comfortable in their skin and have their dream body.
And the worst?
The frustrating thing for me is not having enough time to help every woman that contacts me and needs my help. That was the reason I started Miss Fitness Personal Training for women, to be able to hire more female trainers and help more women.
What was a standout moment in your career?
I think the rise of social media which allowed me to share my knowledge, inspire more women all over the world and motivate them to start their fitness journey by sharing fitness videos, tips and healthy recipes. Second was the competition I did in 2015, when I won 1st place in the Bikini Fitness division. That motivated all of my clients, colleagues and any girl who was following my struggle, with ups and downs on the way to having a body with almost no body fat. My determination motivated them to be more persistent and understand that everyone has to work hard to achieve what they want. Showing my clients how much I had to give up to get stage ready made them realize I was not blessed to have this body, it wasn’t genes or my body type, it was hard work, dedication and a lot of egg whites when I actually craved for chocolate.
What advice would you have for any young person wanting to get into your field?
Follow your dreams! Do not allow anyone to push you away by telling you “you are not good enough”. Learn constantly. Education and knowledge is one of the most valuable things you can have. Stay up to date with new trends, but stay faithful to your beliefs and what you tried and tested.
Your motto?
Never give up! If someone could do it, you can do it too. Fight to succeed, but don’t hurt anyone on your way. Be loyal and truthful, as that is the only way you will respect yourself and be proud of your achievements.