Fairy tales can come true!
Fans of Disney princesses and pirates are in for a big treat as Disneyland Paris has launched a competition exclusive for families in the Middle East. The competition has been announced to mark Disney Princess Month, which falls in March each year, and this year celebrates the park’s 25th anniversary.
Winners will fly to Disneyland Paris for a VIP trip including access to two Disney parks, Disney shows, private dinners full of surprises and a three-night stay at the five-star Disneyland Hotel.
To enter the competition, candidates need to register themselves at www.Disneyme.com/Princessdress and answer simple questions incldung "Who is you or your child’s favourite princess?” and “How are you or is your child similar to that princess?”
The top 10 inspiring answers will be selected by a panel of judges to win a dream trip to Disneyland Paris.The closing date for entries is April 6.