RTA Launches Delivery Service Excellence Award

Dubai Media Office

Dubai’s Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) has announced the launch of the Delivery Service Excellence Award.

The award aims to encourage delivery service companies and drivers to increase their road traffic safety as well as increase customer happiness.

The award will have two categories, the first to recognise the two best companies in the delivery service and the two best companies in delivery service via smart platforms and apps.

The second category is for professional drivers and will highlight the 10 best drivers yearly.

The awards will help in making Dubai the best in the world in regard to traffic safety and will help delivery service companies in offering higher-quality delivery methods.

The criteria for the best delivery companies will include compliance with health, safety, environment and quality standards, following RTA’s requirements and the top international practices, committing to using advanced technologies and continuous training and improving customers satisfaction ratings.

The criteria for the best drivers will include a clean record in terms of complaints, offences and accidents and a positive assessment of the employee’s performance.

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