Students To Return To In-Person Classes

The National Emergency, Crisis and Disaster Management Authority (NCEMA) has announced that students will return to in-person classes in two groups.

The first group of students will start classes on 24 January.

The group includes early learning children, elementary students, 12 or 13-grade students, university students as well as students taking international exams.

Students at a higher education level will need to present a green pass on entry.

The second group, returning a week later on 31 January, will include all the remaining education levels.

Before starting classes, students will have to get a negative PCR test within 96 hours and will also have to get PCR tests done every two weeks.

Parents will have to display their green pass to enter with negative PCR tests taken within 96 hours.

School trips will be cancelled until further notice with sports and cultural activities held with precautionary measures.

Parents can also opt for remote learning with school administrators contacting them with information regarding distance learning.

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