Dubai School Launches Refurbishment Project

Horizon English School, a part of Cognita, one of the leading school groups, has launched a $3 million project in an effort to refurbish the school's facilities and resources.

With the help of the improvements, Horizon will offer students a higher quality education by increasing their learning opportunities.

The IT infrastructure and Ed-Tech at Horizon will be focused on, in order to implement a one-to-one device programme for students.

A FIFA-standard hybrid-natural grass football pitch will be created, along with a refurbished netball and tennis court.

Additional upgrades to classrooms, corridors and learning areas will also be done to offer a great learning experience, as well as a fresh air conditioning system which will offer a higher quality of air.

David Baldwin, MD of Cognita Middle East said, "We are delighted to be able to support the school in its aspirations to provide the very best learning environment for the students of Horizon. This investment in the school will allow Horizon to offer students even more opportunities for personalised learning and a broader and richer educational experience. Horizon English School is relentless in its aspirations for its students, we share that same passion in our mission of creating an inspiring world of education across all Cognita schools."

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