Traveling For Tourism And Leisure Is Permitted

Dubai International Airport

Further to the recent announcement that travel for tourism for citizens and residents was not permitted, the restrictions have been updated and travel for leisure is now permitted to destinations where UAE carriers are operating scheduled flights to, as long as certain requirements have been met. 

People wishing to travel for tourism or leisure reason, follow the health precautions and preventive measures in place in the UAE as was any requirements at the countries they wish to visit.

The requirements include all citizens registering with the Twajudi service, which will enable communication with the while they are travelling. All citizens and residents must have a coronavirus COVID-19 test before they are due to travel, and only those testing negative are allowed to travel. Each traveller should have the appropriate health insurance that covers them for their destination and for the full period of their travels.

People over the age of 70 and people with chronic health conditions are advised lot to travel. 

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