Scientists discover a breakthrough for a potentially fatal disease in Dubai

Scientists have now discovered a breakthrough in a camel-borne disease. Brucellosis is an infection that causes influenza-like symptoms in humans and is contracted by animals. 

It is said that about 5 to 9 per cent of camels are thought to be infected. Brucellosis can be treated with antibiotics but in some cases, can cause further health complications. 

The infection can result in heart problems, brain inflammation and arthritis and in severe cases, fatalities. 

According to researchers, there were 480 cases in the emirate between 2010 and 2015. The illness is only contracted by drinking unpasteurised milk or other products from infected animals. 

The Central Veterinary Research Laboratory have now begun testing herds for the disease, using two methods: enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay test, which looks for the presence of antibodies, and a ‘Rose Bengal Test', which uses a stain and causes clumping when the bacteria clumps with their respective antibody. 

After two weeks, the results successfully detected the disease.

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