WATCH: Dubai's flying taxi test flight

Dubai's Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) has conducted trial runs of a flying taxi in collaboration with Chinese drone maker EHANG at the test site of the Dubai Civil Aviation Authority.

Powered by eight propellers, Ehang says the 184 (which stands for one person, eight propellers, four arms) will cruise at around 100km/h and is small enough to fit into a car parking space when folded up. According to its specifications, the 3.9-meter long, 4.02-meter wide and 1.60 meter tall aircraft weights 360 kilograms with a passenger, and can cruise at an altitude of up to 3,000 meters.

The EHANG184 is designed to operate for up to 30 minutes with a standard operating speed of about 100km/h.. A fail safe system allows the aircraft to land immediately in case of an emergency.

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