Update: Dubai Police issues seat belt warning

According to new federal traffic regulations that came into force July 1, passengers not wearing seat belts would be fined Dhs 400 per passenger. The driver of the vehicle would also be penalised by having four black points on their licence.  However, Dubai Police will issue a warning if rear seat passengers fail to buckle up.

Major-General Mohamed Saif Al Zafeen, head of the Federal Traffic Council and Assistant Commander-in-Chief of Dubai Police, said the force will progressively get stringent about seat belt violations, as using seat belts is crucial in reducing the death toll and injuries in accidents, especially among children.

He added that "70% of people currently do not wear seat belts while sitting in the front, but after the introduction of the new law, we expect that 100 per cent motorists, whether drivers or passengers, will fasten their seat belts."

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