UAE Weather: Partly Cloudy Today, Rainfall Expected Over The Weekend


UAE weather to remain fair to partly cloudy today, the National Centre of Meteorology (NCM) has confirmed. Expect temperatures to soar as high as 31ºC in the country, with the mercury reaching 28ºC in Abu Dhabi and Dubai. However, cooler temperatures may drop to 17ºC in Abu Dhabi, 18ºC in Dubai, and 7ºC in internal areas. 

The lowest temperature recorded over the country today was 5.7°C in Mezaira (Al Dhafra Rejoin ) at 6.30am. 

The NCM forecasts light rain from Saturday night through Sunday in the Northern Emirates, accompanied by humid evening temperatures in Abu Dhabi and Dubai. Motorists are urged to exercise caution while navigating the roads during these challenging weather conditions. Stay vigilant and take necessary precautions for a safe travel experience.



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