RTA Completes Repair And Replacement Of 68,000 Traffic Signs In Dubai


In 2023, Dubai's Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) finished repairing and maintenance work of 67,816 traffic and directional signs in the city. This maintenance effort spanned six months and encompassed both preventive tasks for 57,151 signs and corrective tasks for 10,665 signs throughout Dubai.

The repair and maintenance work had a goal of checking the strength of these signs to make them work better, last longer, and be more eco-friendly. The main aim was to guarantee that the information on the signs was clear and easy to see, promoting smooth traffic flow and helping road users. It aligns with RTA's vision of becoming a world leader in efficient and sustainable mobility.

Abdullah Yousef Al Ali, CEO of RTA’s Traffic and Roads Agency, said, "RTA had undertaken maintenance works on 67,816 signs out of 206,697 traffic and directional signs across Dubai. 90% of maintenance works had been carried out according to RTA’s pre-planned annual schedules. Additional maintenance tasks had been carried out in response to reports received from field inspectors, RTA’s Call Centre, Madinati app as well as partners from government agencies.”

Additionally, the preventive maintenance involved, replacing worn-out signs, repainting signposts, cleaning the signs, and other actions taken as precautions to prolong the lifespan of these signs. The maintenance work also covered replacing signs that were damaged due to traffic accidents, weather-related issues, or individual actions.

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