How we annoy our dog, without realising we’re doing it

Staring at a dog

Stares often translate to a challenge and dogs can feel very uncomfortable if being stared at for long periods of time.


Yelling or shouting is interpreted by your dog as angry barking, which to him means trouble. Instead of shouting, stay calm and think calm tones.


No living thing likes to be teased. Simple, just don’t do it.

Alone time (too much of it)

Dogs are social creatures and you and your family are your dog’s pack. Dogs left alone in a home or garden for five or more hours each day can develop a lot of behavioural and psychological issues, including separation anxiety, excessive barking or digging, destructive behaviour or trying to escape.


Ensure everyone in your home or visiting does the same things with your dog - from greetings and playtime to avoid confusing your dog.
With thanks to Homely Petz - Dog Training from Puppy to Adulthood. Call 050-8717072/3, visit

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