Good homework habits

Homework is the topic of many arguments between kids and their parents. Here are some tips to make homework time more effective and enjoyable for all concerned.

1. Create a good study area. First, designate an area where it would be ideal for your children to do their homework, usually in their room. Set up this area to make it conducive for studying by putting proper lighting, an area for studying supplies such as pencils, pens, paper, books, and other essentials and make the area free from distractions. It might be a good idea to set up a bulletin board there as well.

2. Set fixed hours. There should be a set schedule for homework. This way, they can arrange their schedules and make sure they get their homework done every day. It is also a great way for answering comments like, “I’ll do it later!”

3. No TV. As a general rule, kids should not watch TV while doing their homework. It is a good idea to have the television turned off when it is time to do homework, depending, of course, where the television is located.
4. The radio is OK. Contrary to what many experts recommend, actual studies have shown that children or teenagers can learn just as well when they have their favourite music playing softly in the background.

5. Set telephone rules. As a general rule, kids should be told not to use the telephone during homework hours, apart from when they need to confirm homework with a school friend. In these cases, the parents should set a fixed number of minutes for discussing school-related matters so the kids can get back to their homework right away.

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