Ways To Take A Break From Screen Time


Electronic devices have over the years become integrated into our routines and have taken over a large chunk of our lives.

As there is an ease in obtaining information from the Internet, students nowadays rely heavily on their devices, for their homework as well as to interact with friends.

Research has shown that excessive use of screen time in children can lead to a lack of attention, sleep issues, not getting enough physical activities and more and can in turn affect the overall well being of children.

Additionally, excessive screen time can affect children and adults alike as screens emit blue light, which is known to cause 50% of users with eye problems.

It is imperative to ensure that children are able to balance a social life, school life and home life in other ways rather than spending all their time on devices.

If you are looking for some ways to slowly ease out the overuse of electronic devices, here are some steps to take:

  1. No devices before bed: The best way to get a restful sleep is by putting away all devices before bed. It helps in getting extra hours of sleep that are usually spent scrolling through social media.
  2. Enrol in classes: Extracurricular activities are a great way to add new hobbies and interests into a child's life and will help keep them active. Activities like football, tennis, basketball, dancing, swimming and more will also encourage them to thrive in new situations as well as teach them to socialise more.
  3. Spend time unplugged: While encouraging children to reduce screen time, parents can also devote some time out of the day to not using their devices. This will help in bonding with children and spending time together by trying fun activities like reading or playing a board game.
  4. Set timers: The recommended time limit for children to use screens is a maximum of 1 to 2 hours daily. As children do still require their devices for studying and homework, the best option is to allot time in a day to be on devices to manage the amount of screen time the child is exposed to. Additionally, parents can use parental locks on children's devices to stop them from overusing their devices if they are busy at work.

As devices are still needed in our daily life, it is important to remember to find a way to allow access to devices as well as make sure children are not overusing their devices and are also dedicating time and effort to socialising, growing and learning new skills.

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