Organising tips for new mothers

A first baby often takes new mums by surprise, especially those who have read all the baby books and remember quite clearly reading words like routine and schedule. The surprise is that babies do not necessarily work to a routine, even though many books promise that your baby will fall straight into a schedule. You have got to be flexible in those early weeks and months; your life will be upside down for at least a year, and the more demands you put on yourself, the more difficult it will be. 

After a couple of months, a pattern will start to emerge and your life will be easier, but initially it is a minefield. You have your new baby to cope with, a changing relationship with your partner, as well as exhaustion on a scale you thought was reserved for arctic explorers or those who take part in gruelling decathlons! You are thrust into a time when your baby dictates your whole day. Try following these tips to get organised and out the door.

• Organise your home before the baby arrives. Coping with a new baby takes a lot of energy without having to sort through clutter, spring clean or sort the paperwork in your home-office. Start early because many a baby has arrived much earlier than expected.
• Buy a state-of-the-art nappy bag. Choose one with several compartments and keep it stocked with blanket, extra outfit, diapers, wipes, ointment, snacks for both you and the baby, and feeding supplies.
• Keep a baby memory book, a baby how-to book and a notebook ready and accessible. This way you can fill in, find out and make notes whenever you have a spare minute.
• Develop a feeding ‘system’.  Have a small bag filled with the essentials like a small pillow, blanket, bottle of water and burp cloth that you can grab at a moment’s notice when baby is hungry.
• Make lists. It only takes a moment to jot down errands to run, items to buy and things to do. These will help you prioritise and come in very handy next time someone offers to help because you will know exactly what needs to be done. 
• Do not push yourself by trying to be a perfect mum who steps out looking stunning with her spotless baby. Instead, learn to laugh at yourself and forget how organised the ‘old’ you was. Those first few months are a rollercoaster for you and your baby. From your baby’s point of view, he loves being at home with you and learning all about your environment. He does not need to be taken out every hour of the day, so for his sake as well as yours, save the long day trips until 
he is older. By choosing just one outing or task a day, both of you will benefit and be more relaxed.
• It is okay to admit it is tough sometimes, so avoid trying to keep up the pretence of being a super mum. If you are finding things hard, mention it to your doctor, a friend or relative. Just chatting to someone can help you feel better.

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